Organic Fabric: The Ideal Choice


Organic fabric is a high-quality type of textile that makes use of earth-friendly methods to produce them.

Unlike traditional methods of producing fabric, organic fabric makes use of agriculture to produce these textiles that are 100% natural and do not involve the use of chemicals and artificial methods.

There are a set of guidelines that determine each organic fabric produced is only 100% natural and safe.

One of the most popular kinds is organic cotton. Traditional cotton is produced using an enormous amount of chemicals and artificial fertilizers, as cotton crops account for 1/10 of the entire world use for pesticide, and as much as 20% of insecticide use.

The manufacture of organic cotton on the other hand, doesn’t make use of artificial and chemical methods to produce healthy plants from which the fabric is derived.

Because the demand for cotton globally is so big, conventional farming methods use chemicals to speed up the growth of cotton plans to meet the demand. Organic fabric is used worldwide to make towels, clothing, bed sheets, and even some types of paper and stationary.

Another popular type of organic fabric is hemp. It’s a very durable fabric made out of fiber and is very easy to grow, requiring almost no fertilizers and chemicals.

Hemp is also highly renewable, allowing farmers a consistent harvest year after year. Because hemp is so strong, the organic fabric produced from it can often be rigid, and this is why some varieties mix it with silk and wool for softening. Hemp is popularly used in skin care products, clothing, and paper.

Bamboo has also grown in popularity as one of the best and most fashionable kinds of organic fabric. It is also the organic fabric of choice for many fashion companies who are transitioning to eco-friendly and sustainable fashion.

Bamboo is a naturally fast-growing crop, and doesn’t need chemical additives and pesticides to speed up its growth. Bamboo textiles are noted for its very silky feel, and are popularly used in the manufacture of sporting clothes because of its lightweight feel, and moisture-absorbing qualities.

Many kinds of organic fabric are also found in colorful varieties, and this is made through the help of natural dyes. Common sources of dyes used in organic fabric are the following:

  1. Haritaki – Grown in the Himalayas, the plant produces dark purple, beige, light pink and black dyes.
  2. Indigo – Famous for being able to produce stunning shades of blue, Indigo is one of the most popular and successful dye plants on earth.
  3. Onion – Its outer skin is used to create beautiful dyes in the shades of yellow, rust, orange, and brown.
  4. Turmeric – Not just known to be a popular herb for many Asian dishes, turmeric belongs to the same family as the ginger and is used to produce shades of yellow, rust, orange, and brown dyes.

Next time when you shop for clothing or fabric, try organic fabric. You are sure to love its high quality and you will not only be helping farmers, but will also lessen your carbon footprint.


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