Deliver E – Practical and Green Light Vehicle


With so much being said about the need to go green, here is the effort of a determined Australian inventor that has resulted in an electric bike suited to the needs of mail men or any other delivery men for that matter.

The hard work and perseverance of Simon Williams has borne fruit and the prototype for his Deliver-E Electric Trike is now ready.

Green Light VehicleHis passion for his dream drove him to quit his job and take up the job of a mail man for almost eighteen months. He spent the time observing the needs of a mail man on his route.

The bike has been designed with features that meet all the needs of mailmen across the globe. It is the perfect delivery bike, a result of meticulous planning after months of observation.

The Trike looks like a tricycle with its three wheels. The wheels contribute towards better stability over all types of terrain.

It has two rear arms that swing and lock when required to give stability to the bike even when parked on abrupt roads.

It has twin engines situated near its rear wheels and is powered with 16 Li Ion Batteries. Translated to practical use, it means no noise and no carbon emissions.

The electronic bike can be recharged in 2-3 hours and promises to travel 37 miles reaching the top speed of 50 miles per hour. It is an efficient and yet simple bike that can prove to be a boon for many mail men. It has space under the seat to keep the mail and parcels.

The most innovative features of the electric bike include the two rear arms (swing) and the rear brakes. Both these features make it easier to use the bike and also park it on slopes without the risks of any accident.

This innovative bike will take under five hours to build in an industrial plant. We should keep our fingers crossed for Simon to be able to get investors who can help manufacture this green bike on mass scale.


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