5 Green and Money saving Tips for Thanksgiving 2013


People generally overspend when holydays come and Thanksgiving is no different. In the same time a lot of food is wasted and a lot of garbage is left behind once the Turkey day is over. This being said let’s see how can a family spend less and have a green 2013 Thanksgiving celebration.

Cook less with the guests in mind

Cook less with the guests in mind

Everybody feels compelled to put a huge turkey in the oven. However appealing the idea may be, you should keep in mind that everybody gets tired of turkey sandwiches and even if you freeze the leftovers most likely nobody will eat them. Choose a smaller bird and if you can, go for organically raised turkey.

You may be tempted to cook the all the traditional courses but in case your family or guests dislike green beans or any other course you can skip cooking it to save cash and reduce the food waste.

Smaller portions

Smaller portions

Smaller plates will not mean the guest will eat less but rather they will leave less food for you to throw away. Kids tend to be restless, eat a bit and go play, not to mention that adults tend to fill their plate with everything that looks appealing. As a result whatever kids don’t eat and adults can’t eat anymore will become waist.

Local groceries , organic choice and smaller price

Local groceries , organic choice and smaller price

Try to shop smart and responsible for the Thanksgiving dinner. You can choose organic locally grown products from the nearest farmer’s market.  Shop organic celery, lettuce and potatoes to avoid pesticides but you can also buy conventionally grown eggplants and corn because they are perfectly safe and cost less. This way you will spend less and eat healthy not to mention that you will support the local economy.

DIY decorations

DIY decorations

You can always use things you have around or things you can get for free. Pinecones are easy to find and you simply have to add a layer of polish to them. Make a centerpiece using glossy looking cones, fall leaves and candles and you will have an affordable, natural and lovely looking Thanksgiving table.

Share the spending and the work

Share the spending and the work

In case you have a large family you can share the expense of the Thanksgiving dinner. Divide the preparation of dinner  courses among the family members. The potluck idea will not make you look cheap but rather responsible. This way people will tend to shop smartly in order to save cash and you will have the chance to admire each other’s culinary achievements.


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