Best Tips for a Green Summer Vacation in 2012


Many don’t really think about being eco-friendly when going on vacation. This is a time when you can be green as well, and there are a lot of ideas that you should use to make sure that you do everything you can to keep the planet healthy.

Pack light

When packing for your vacation you should think about whether you really need that extra pair of shoes. This is because the heavier your bags are, the heavier the plane is and the more fuel it burns leading to more greenhouse gas emissions. Some of the airline companies are already taking steps to decrease the amount of fuel they use.

Bus and train

Although some people say that it takes longer, if you take the bus or the train you will cause less gas emissions than if you took the car or the plane. In the same time the tickets could also be less expensive. The carbon emissions per passenger are the lowest in case of the bus.

Reusable water bottle

The sad truth is that the majority of the plastic water bottles aren’t recycled. This is why instead of always buying a bottle of water you should bring your own bottle that you just have to fill. In the same time you don’t necessarily have to throw away your bottle at the airport. You should just empty it before security check and then refill it when you reach the destination.

Leave no trace

If you go camping, there is an important tip that you have to remember: use durable surfaces for your activities, such as sand, rocks, gravel and dry vegetation. This way you can prevent erosion and you won’t cause long-term damage to the surrounding areas. Also it is a good idea to take your thrash home and to keep your distance from wildlife.

No appliances

While you are gone you should make sure that you turn off all your appliances at home. This way you can be sure that they don’t use energy, saving on the energy bill and being eco-friendly. Every appliance that has a digital display or remote control uses energy, so make sure that you unplug your cable boxes, TVs, computers, DVD players, digital printers, clocks and so on.

There is a lot you could do for the planet, even while you are on vacation. Remember these tips to make sure that you will have an eco-friendly summer vacation.


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