Dare And Use Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products At Home


Most of us stock plenty of chemical based cleaning products without knowing how hazardous they are for the environment. Another thing we don’t know is that they can be easily replaced with non-toxic environmentally friendly cleaning products. The only challenge here is to give up the convenience of commercial chemicals and replacing them with home made recipes.

environmentally friendly cleaning productsIt may come as a surprise that most of our cleaning work can be efficiently done by simple stuff that is readily available at home.

Baking and washing soda, lemons and vinegar can take care of most of the load, be it stain removals, deodorizing, disinfecting or general cleaning.

Non toxic and inexpensive these few products are not only easy on the pocket but they can also improve your home’s environment and make it less toxic.

It will also help the environmental cause. Every little step counts towards the goal and the first step towards it is using environmentally friendly cleaning products at home.

Start by looking under your kitchen sink or the place where you normally store your cleaning products. You will notice that most carry hazardous warning labels. They are labeled as poisonous or hazardous.

These chemicals need to be disposed off safely and that rules out your garbage or the sink. You need to send them to the local recycling center.

Now stock up with the natural environmentally friendly cleaning products, i.e. washing and baking soda, vinegar and lemon.  Instead of using sponges or paper towels, go back to the old fashioned rag.

An old t-shirt or towel will work great. When you avoid paper towels you help save trees. If you really need to use them, use recycled and non-bleached paper towels.

Baking soda is a great cleansing agent. It can be used to keep appliances like the refrigerator and microwave odor-free. It can be used in laundry to remove stains. It is the perfect cleaner to scour pots and pans.

A few tablespoons of this wonder ingredient, down the kitchen drain will not only unclog it but also get rid of any odors. A few teaspoons of baking soda in a sachet, when placed in the closet will keep your clothes smelling fresh. You can also use to improve the condition of smelly shoes.

Lemon can be used to remove laundry stains along with baking soda. The two together are great to fight kitchen top stains.  Lemon rinds in the garbage disposal along with a little warm water will freshen up the drain. Lemon juice when added to vinegar improves its cleansing qualities and also neutralizes the strong smell.

Use these environmentally friendly cleaning products to keep your home fresh and toxin free, at the same time save money too.


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