Halloween And The Way To Make It Green


Halloween is one of the cutest and funnier holidays and US is almost ready to celebrate it. If you are a lover of the “green” way of living keep in mind that you can have a green Halloween too.

As “trick or treat” items go keep in mind to use reusable bags. Why to do that? Keep in mind that huge amounts of paper and plastic bags are creating mountains of garbage after Halloween.

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Do not spend a lot of money on costumes especially for children. They will grow up and won’t need them anymore so if you don’t want to rent, be creative and do his or her costume yourself using clothes that can be combined to create a gipsy, a zombie, or a rag doll.

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As treats go, don’t be afraid to buy organic apples and glaze them yourself. Visit the organic shops and buy eco friendly sweets. Both parents and their kids will be delighted.

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If you plan to accompany your young during trick or treat-ing make try walking for a change. It will allow you to be part of the event and spend time with your young and also reduce a bit the carbon footprint of the holiday.


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