Smart Rebate For The Low Cost Electric Car


In case you consider buying a new electric car, there is some good news. The price of the eco cars rebates of up to $5000.

The battery vehicles have cut off the price after economic pressure on the market. On the other hand, the electric car manufacturers were strongly criticized over the high prices of some models such as $100,000 Tesla Roadster.

The protest against the expensive electric vehicles is a mark that society starts to believe how important the new technologies on the road are.

electric carAccording to experts this rebate isn’t very significant for people who would sign a huge check for their new car, but still it is useful for those who are seeking low cost green cars.

electric cars

In California the rebate is going to inflict on models such as Tesla Roadster and the Nissan Leaf. There is a rebate even for Gem cars, known for their golf-cart-design.


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