One Of The Most Bio-Diverse Places On Earth Hides In Ecuador


The most bio-diverse place on Earth now has a name we know: Yasuni.

It is a National Park placed in the heart of the Equatorial Amazon, the home of so many species of plants and animals that their number is actually quite hard to imagine.

Doctor Peter English from the University of Texas says the scientists researching the area have counted almost six hundred species of birds, one hundred and fifty species of amphibians (that is more than all the amphibians on the territory of the United States and Canada reunited) and more than one thousand different species of trees (on a surface of 25 hectares), which, he adds, are impressive numbers to be found in a sole part of the Amazon rainforest.

As far as biologists know, this record is not yet reached by any other place on Earth at the moment. And that is not all Yasuni has to offer: on one single hectare of its forest you can find more than one hundred thousand species of insects.

Doctor Terry Erwin affirms that is the largest rate of diversity for both plants and animals. But there is one specific corner of Yasuni that hosts the record of biodiversity: the Tiputini Biodiversity Station situated in the North of the park hosts about two hundred and fifty species of amphibians, five hundred and fifty species of birds and about two hundred species of mammals.

Fortunately, because it is so gifted, Yasuni do not have the risk of becoming neither overpopulated nor extinct. Scientists say it has the capacity to maintain its incredible and unique biodiversity for a long time.


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