Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic Food

advantages and disadvantages of organic food

The concept of organic food is making waves and many people are opting for it. People have a misconception that organic food is more wholesome, nutritious, and more scrumptious than conventional food. Consumers’ Association has declared this conception of believing organic food to be superior, as untrue. Nevertheless, the popularity of organic food has not declined but it remains high. This is mainly because it is produced in an eco friendly way, using minimal pesticides in an organic farm. However, conventionally grown food is not bad either if the right choice of food is made or a balanced diet is followed.

Organic food too has its share of merits and demerits. People should eat wisely in order to derive the maximum nutrients from food. Nonetheless weighing all the pros and cons of organic food, you cannot deny the fact that it is produced in an eco friendly way with the use of minute quantity of pesticides and hence should be healthier.

advantages and disadvantages of organic food

Reasons for Buying Organic Food

  • Greater variety of plants are present in organic farms as they are more eco-friendly.
  • Organic food have a protective effect on the heart as they are devoid of hydrogenated fat This type of fat is dangerous for the body as they encourage the development of heart diseases like Coronary heart disease, Ischemic stroke or type 2 Diabetes.
  • In organic farms, animals are given natural food and are reared naturally. Artificial meanings of farming are discouraged in organic farms. As a result soil and water is conserved and pollution is reduced.
  • Bio genetic crops are not available in organic farms.
  • Organic farms discourage the use of pesticides. Only a minimal amount of chemicals are used in such farms for growing crops.

Reasons Against Buying Organic Food

  • Organic food perishes quickly as they lack artificial preservatives and are not irradiated. Organic food is costly compared to non-organic produce.
  •  For the growth of organic produce a small amount of chemicals are used. Organic food is not totally devoid of pesticide residues.
  • Agencies of food standards in UK, France and Sweden have proved scientifically through research that organic food is not superior to conventional food either in quality or taste. Contradicting to the popular belief, according Consumers’ Association, organic food has no wholesome effects.
  • Large produce cannot be expected from organic farms as chemicals are not used in these farms to enhance the rate of growth of crops. Farmers wait for the fruit to ripen naturally. In organic farms crops are grown naturally without any chemicals to hasten the growth. As a result crops take their own time to mature.

Thus, the most important thing is to have a balanced diet incorporated with all the five classes of food, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, proteins and minerals, in the correct amount.  An organic diet may not provide all the optimal balance of nutrients. Thus the choice of food is essential for healthy living, no matter if it is organic or not.


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