A Greener Business: Green Printing Initiatives


While it certainly has not caught on as much as it could have by now, green business initiatives are gradually making headway in becoming a stable in the business world. In the eyes of the general population, businesses and corporations are simply “money-grubbing” and greedy; but far too often, this stereotype if being proven wrong.

That is because the business world is becoming more socially aware, realizing that social and environmental issues are becoming increasingly more important. Therefore, greener initiatives are being implemented in all different aspects of the business framework—one such initiative appearing in the form of printing.

Generally, if a business exists, it is going to use paper. Even the most technologically-savvy businesses that have taken many aspects of their company online (payroll, emails, memos, communications, etc.), still find a need to print every so often as sometimes a tangible document is far better utilized than virtual text.

Some businesses will even go through hundreds of reams of paper every single month, which, one can imagine, is going to have a detrimental effect on the environment as thousands of trees are chopped down to supply this need.

The same could be said for the advertising portion of business as well. While it is true that most advertising campaigns have largely gone digital, usually an element of traditional advertising is still incorporated. Traditional advertising consists of word-of-mouth advertising, commercials, newspaper ads, flyers and brochures, promotional products, and similar medians.

Sometimes a business just needs to print, whether a simple company-wide memo, a mass-mailed coupon, or even a t-shirt advertising campaign. But why can’t the printing be done on a more environmentally-friendly canvas—a recycled canvas? Good news! It can! Many places now offer Eco-friendly products.

For example, a business could incorporate a green advertising campaign by branding their own recycled pens here: http://www.qualitylogoproducts.com/pen-promotional.htm. Moreover, recycled paper is only slightly more expensive than regular paper (and in some cases, even cheaper!), so many businesses and corporations are utilizing recycled paper for their printing needs.

Printing on recycled paper is a wonderful way for a business to become more environmentally-sustainable, especially when the paper is 100% recycled, but some businesses will go one step further by eliminating the need for paper altogether—paperless!

Perhaps your bank has asked if you would like to switch to online statements or online bill-paying, instead of receiving physical copies in the mail. Or, have you noticed how coupons do not even need to be printed anymore? No, in fact, a lot of coupons can be shown to merchants from the coupon-holder’s smartphone. Therefore, the mailbox is seeing less and less in way of coupons and advertisements; bad for the mailing industry, excellent for the environment.

Regardless of how you look at it, the Earth is only going to be as friendly to us as we are to it. With that being said, more and more people and businesses are taking proactive measures to ensure the longevity of the world we live in. This can be seen in the research for alternative fuels, as well as in business.

While tiling a company’s entire roof with solar panels may wind up bankrupting some, switching to an Eco-friendly printing campaign, is not very expensive at all. Furthermore, given that a proper press release is authorized, an Eco-friendly printing initiative can boost a company’s reputation among the eyes of the customers who sustain it.

This article was written by Eco-advocate, Andrew Brusnahan, who generally finds a way to make just about any process in life more sustainable. From solar energy, to a green home, to an Eco-friendly workplace, Andrew has got it covered. If you would like Andrew to write for you, simply send him an email at abrusnahan@yahoo.com


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