Smart Water Circulation For The Best Water Recycling Idea


There is a special and not hard way to make the sink’s water to be reused in the toilets. This could easily happen with using eco-friendly bathrooms from the new generation.

The so called W+W models are still rare on the market, but they possess new economic technology, which allows re-usage of the sink water instead of wasting it.

wpluswThe model, presented by the Spanish company Roca is a smart eco-combination of toilet and sink in one. The compact style of the eco-innovated product is L-shaped and the basic plus is the ability to save near 25 percent of the water, which is normally used.

wplusw 02The wastewater from the sink fills the toilet basin and this is contributed to the maximum clean the toilet’s way.

wplusw 01The model has its own cleaning system, which doesn’t allow any bacteria or dirt. It is automatically made and you don’t have to do anything.

wplusw 05Good news about this new system is the control of the water’s temperature and the ability for energy savings.

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