7 Things You Need To Know About Organic Agriculture


organic agriclutureThe air and water are the most important resources whose quality should be a priority for all mankind. The infiltration of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and other water soluble chemicals in the earth waters is a very serious issue especially because they finally reach the water consumed by the general population.

The quality of the soil used in agriculture is a big question mark.

The land erosion caused by the agriculture using pesticides is a problem growing every day and the solution is the Organic Agriculture. Recent studies have shown that plowing is not very benefic to the soil and a way to make ecological agriculture would be to plant the new seeds without plowing the land.

This way the organic residues of the previous crops will act as a protector of the soil against the wind and water erosion.

Bio-diversity is essential.

The agriculture practiced on a large scale plants the same types of plants year after year, the process draining the soil of nutritious elements and logically resulting into the necessity of using an increasing quantity of fertilizers.

The good old fashioned farming that used to plant the X plant and Y plant on two different plots and in the following year switched the cultures for each plot was the constructing way to take care of the land and get rich crops.

The diversity of crops attracts a diversity of insects to pollinate them and increases the resistance of the plants; exactly like the human body, the more diseases we get during childhood the stronger grows out immunity.

The workers’ health is vital.

Considering the high amount of concentration of agriculture poisoning the workers from the conventional farms are exposed to, the risk they are taking to put food on our tables is highly unacceptable. They deserve better and most of all they need a chance for a healthy job.

Saving the energy is saving the planet.

The ecological agriculture is done with lower energy consumption. The natural fertilizers do not need chemical processing like the chemical fertilizers do. Besides that, the organic food, generally crosses very short distances from the farm producing it to the shop or market selling it because it encourages the local consumers and saves the energy from transporting it over long distances. Generally in this kind of agriculture the energy is saved also in packing using recyclable materials such as paper bags.

The ecological food is more expensive.

If we analyze for a second, there is no wonder that the organic food costs more. The ordinary farms are cheaper because the methods used to get the products are also cheap. The regular, bulk, agriculture uses chemicals and fertilizers, genetic modified organisms and hormones in order to increase the production. Paying the small price eventually brings up additional costs for our health and for the health of the environment.

The organic food tastes better

It is common knowledge that the vegetables taste differently if they are produced organically. They keep their nutritious properties intact and their vitamins are not destroyed by the chemicals. Consuming it we do not risk cardiovascular diseases or cancer but instead we get antioxidants that protect our body.


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