Six Great Green Alternative to Sunscreen

great green alternative to sunscreen

Most of us know that using sunscreen is essential for protection against the damaging effects of the sun, i.e. to help prevent any sunburn to the skin and the eventual effect of premature aging due to sun exposure. It is also widely accepted that sunscreens reduce the risk to skin cancer. But there are certain reservations against use of chemically produced sunscreens. For example some sunscreens make the skin more sensitive than it naturally was.  This is the reason why many individuals are inclined to use the green alternative to sunscreens.

There are many ways in which one can create a natural sunscreen for him/ herself. There are also diet procedures and clothing types which are good green alternatives to sunscreens. Some of the best possible green alternatives to sunscreens are given below:

great green alternative to sunscreen

Coconut Oil

A major segment of population around the globe will swear by the use of coconut oil as a natural/ green alternative to protect against sunburns. There are many recopies for natural homemade sunscreens meant to act as a complete sun protection. It is essential to use a combination which suits one’s own skin the most. Use of these natural alternatives is also smoothening and moisturizing for the skin.

Proper/ Protective Clothing

Another mode to protect skin against sun damage if one wants to steer clear of sunscreen is to dress in covered clothing. For many individuals proper clothing works as the best sun block. The clothes keep the skin safe by absorbing the sunlight and/ or by reflecting some of it. Either way always chooses to wear clothes that are full sleeves and cover skin area as much as possible.

Eating Antioxidant Rich Food

This alternative comes as a change or an alteration in one’s diet. Foods that are rich in antioxidants are found to be protective to skin against many damages, also including damages from UV rays. So dark or colorful veggies and fruits that are rich in antioxidants like carotenoids can work as a good alternative to sunscreens. Some such foods include nuts, avocados, seeds and sea vegetables etc.

Red Raspberry Seed Oil

This is one of those seed oils which are considered excellent in terms of skin protection. The SPF bock of this oil stated somewhere in between 28 to 50. It is thus useful to apply red raspberry seed oil or make use of it any other form.

Zinc Oxide

This is one very effective non toxic sun block spectrum element. The particles of this non- irritating (or rather majorly non- irritating) element settle down on the outermost skin layer. They then either absorb or scatter the UVB and the UVA rays. Many people use zinc oxide in the recipe of homemade sunscreens to make them more effective and long lasting.

Natural/ Organic Sunscreens

There some sunscreen types and products that are organic and hence fulfill the green/ eco-friendly criteria. These sunscreens are specifically manufactured in a green/ non- chemically manner while also having no chemicals as components. But to be sure that the products do not have any harmful elements, one must go through the labels properly and also take the reviews.


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