The Beautiful Eco You and Your Makeup


The trends call for a sexy makeup and a sassy hairstyle but how these get along with the eco trend is only up to you.

eco makeupBeing an eco chic and staying eco pretty is really up to the eco lifestyle you choose. So if you plan to consider the environment while striving to be beautiful you should consider the very little steps that can make a difference.

The foundation comes in both recyclable glass and plastic bottles. Make sure you look for the former option when you buy it and you will save the energy used to make 75 liters of foundation every year.

Eye makeup comes in plastic, chrome or glass boxes and some boxes come with mirrors. Every time you refill the container instead of replacing it, you save a part of the energy used to make these containers that are so hard to recycle.

Statistics show that if one out of 25 women choose to refill the makeup containers instead of buying new ones, around 16 kilograms of landfill would be prevented every year.

The lipstick is something a woman literally eats. The quantity ingested is around 2 kg during a lifetime. So make sure you choose lipstick made of natural oils and plants. Any additional derivates the traditional lipstick contains are made out of petrol.

Choosing the organic option will make sure every woman saves over 350 kilograms of petrol each year.

It’s really hard to find mascara made out of plants and minerals. Since you can’t avoid the manufacturing process, avoid the packing. Sephora for example sells mascara without the cardboard box.

When you dye your hair at the hair saloon, ask for organic hair dye and organic hair mask. They might seem expensive but when you look at the bigger picture, when your hair is better cared, it will need less professional hair care.

Also when you go shopping for cosmetics, politely refuse the complimentary bag, the shop assistant gives you. Usually the cosmetic shops feel obligated to pack the small things such as lipstick and nail polish in a plastic bag.

Such small products can easily be taken without the bag in question. So put the products in your bag where they would fit perfectly and save a drop of garbage the complimentary plastic bag is going to become in the end.


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