Go Organic This Thanksgiving


Any feast can be organic; it all depends on you. In case you are a green lover, don’t hesitate to turn Thanksgiving into an organic feast. It is easy and possible.

organic thanksgivingActually there is an important plus in choosing an organic Thanksgiving since you are reducing the pesticides’ amount, for both farm workers and consumers.

The idea isn’t new and it came out from several organizations. The United Farm Workers, the Farm Labor Organizing Committee and few others are trying to put an end to the pesticide poisoning in the foods.

One of their ideas is to turn Thanksgiving into an organic celebration. It isn’t very easy to do this, considering the fact there are still many people who avoid organic foods.

The experts claim that there is still lack of knowledge, when it comes to organic foods, therefore the practice for an organic Thanksgiving should be adopted by many people.

In case you are wondering, what is this practice about, there is a simple explanation. If you want to consume clean and natural food without any toxins, if you want to support the organic farms and producers, just turn Thanksgiving into an organic celebration. The market is full of turkeys, but there is no guarantee that those are turkeys raised in a clean environment and with organic feed.

thanksgiving organicOn the other hand, there is always a problem about the meat. Most of the meat producers will never admit, but it is well known fact that many of them are injecting the turkeys with hormones, chemicals and other toxins, in order to make the turkeys bigger, which will raise the chances for a good sell.

Even after chemical analyses, there are still many chemicals that cannot be found. The sad news is that those are chemicals that are bad for the human body.

In case you don’t want to risk, buy only organic turkeys for Thanksgiving. Read the label of the turkey and buy only those that are certificated and 100 percent organic.

There is of course another way to choose healthy food on your table at Thanksgiving. Research about the local organic farms and buy your festive food straight from them. It will support their work and you will get healthy, organic foods.

Usually Thanksgiving isn’t only about the turkey, but when it comes to food, remember that buying sustainable and eco food means that you are supporting the environment in three ways: the agriculture of the organic plants, the local organic meat farms and your own health.


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