Reduce Your Winter Heating Bills


Everyone is concerned, when it comes to winter heating. It is not just about cutting the bills; it is also about keeping the environment clean.

Here are few tips how to do it, in order to achieve better results. At first, check well your thermostat. Keep it a bit lower and wear warmer clothes at home. According to the statistic, lowering your thermostat even with 1ºF can save you at least $40 each month, not to mention it reduces the energy consumption by 2%.

Another good step in this matter is the humidifier. Usually the air with some levels of moisture keeps it warmer in the winter.

Purchase a humidifier and set it according to your thermostat. For instance, you can set your thermostat at 69º F with a 35% relative humidity. This way you will save at least 5% from yearly heating bills each year, not to mention you will feel even warmer than usual.


Thermostats have been a problem for many people, because the old thermostats aren’t equipped with programs to set. If you change your old thermostat with a new programmable thermostat, this will reduce your heating cost by 20%%.

Most of the programmable thermostats lower the temperature by 10 degrees at night, which is also another way to cut your heating bills a bit.

The furnace filters also require special attention. You should replace the filters at least once in a month, because this will also save you at least 10% on the heating bills. If you do that regularly, you will save $180 annually.

The fans in the kitchen and in the bathroom are also an issue to consider. Turn them off within 20 minutes after cooking and bathing. If you leave them working too long, they will remove all the warm air of your home for one hour, so try to switch them on only when it is really necessary. This will save you at least $30 annually.

heating vents

Another good thing you should do to save up some energy and to cut down your heating bills is to close the heating vents, when you are not in the room. You can also close the doors to the unused rooms and heat only the rooms, where you are staying.

This will save you 3%s of your heating costs. You can also keep your drapes open on the south side of the house, for it will allow more sunlight, which will warm the entire home and it will save you at least $20 on heating bills.


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