The Organic: Where Does It Start And Where Does It End


Recently anything in the market is labeled as organic. There are still a lot of issues about it, because according to the involved organizations the standards about what is really organic needs an amendment.

The fast expanding organic industry has still to deal about laws and amendments, which aren’t clear about the allowed ingredients in the organic productions.

There are already feuds between the biggest organic producers and the small farms. The issue is about the usage of the synthetic substance in processing organic foods.

According to the 2006 Agriculture Appropriations Bill, the nonorganic ingredients are permitted in some cases and are even allowed to be called organic.

The opponents of this decision are claiming this is entirely wrong and gave an example with the organic bananas, for which are used some non-organic substances.

According to the National Organic Standards Board the eventual amendment will open the door for processing aids, but not so is the opinion of the experts from the Center for Food Safety.

According to them the amendment is needed so to protect the small organic growers and farms. The experts are insisting all the components and substances of the organic production to be without chemical presence in order to be called organic for real.


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