Tips for Greener Computing

tips for greener computing

Green computing is the answer of the human race to counter the carbon foot print contribution of the computing and technology industry. Well if not completely counter, it definitely helps all of the individuals in reducing the adverse effect of the technology on the environment. Since we cannot all go back to being a world without the technological advances, we can surely do our bid in controlling the adverse effects of the same.

So initiate green computing in your surroundings. In most simple words green computing is merely using all the technology and computers in a way that is environmentally responsible and efficient. Here are a few tips that will help you all in being green computing individuals:

tips for greener computingMore Energy Efficient Hardware

It is beneficial to buy the more energy efficient hardware option from all of the available ones. For example you can upgrade to a flat LCD monitor because they use about 1/3rd of the energy used by their CRT counter parts. There are also many energy efficient CPU options available today. Another way is to use laptops instead of desktops if they suit you just as well, that’s because laptops use lesser energy. One of the other ways to ensure that your equipment is energy efficient is by buying Energy STAR certified devices.

Power off and Shut Down at Right Times

There are plenty times when an individual walks away from his/ her computer for a while. In such situations one must ensure that they power off (put to sleep) their devices to reduce energy consumption when not needed. Also when leaving the desktop or laptop after work or for longer hours make sure that you completely shut down the device. Just doing these two things when needed will play a huge role in green computing.

No to Screen Savers, yes to Sleep Options

Just completely remove the screen saver option from your devices to avoid waste of energy on standby mode. There is no point of leaving the device on standby mode when it can automatically go to sleep. So take advantage of the technology and set the device to sleep or hibernation settings and conserve all the energy that otherwise would have gone to waste.

Printing – No and Make Most of the Paper Resources

Another way to reduce the harm the computing technologies is making to the environment and go green computing wise is to reconsider every time that we go for printing something. The point is to eliminate the printing of all unnecessary material and emails.

Whenever you need to store some material try storing it in PDF or other virtual formats instead of getting hard copies. Reducing print is not just about conserving paper, it also conserves other resources like energy, toner, ink etc. Also if it is essential to print try and make use of both sides of the paper.

EPEAT rating

Another tact that all individuals using computers and related devices must adopt is to check the EPEAT rating of the appliances/ computers that they are purchasing. This rating indicates the fact that the use of toxic materials has been minimized in the production of the respective appliance.


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