Eco-Friendliness Starts at Home: 3 Ways to Make Your House More Energy Efficient

eco boiler

We all know that the cost of energy has been rising exponentially. An inadvertent, yet arguably positive, effect of this trend is that rising energy bills have led an increasing number of people to look for ways to improve the energy efficiency of their home. Improved energy efficiency, of course, means improved eco-friendliness.

According to statistics, it is possible to cut the average household energy bill by 50 percent through embracing simple energy conservation methods. 50 percent more energy efficiency means an inadvertent boon to the environment.

Whatever brought you to this article – whether you want to save the environment or save yourself some money – you’ll want to reduce your energy usage at home, so here are three ways to do just that.

eco boiler

Check for Proper Insulation

Most heat loss occurs through the walls and attic, so it’s really important to make sure that you have an effective insulation system. Poorly insulated walls will lose heat in the winter, and cool air will escape through them in the summer. It’s best to consult an expert before making any changes.

They can check the quality of the material and assess whether it needs replacing, and then advise you on the best insulation to replace it with. It’s very important that it is installed correctly in order to maximise efficiency, so don’t try doing it yourself unless you’ve really done your research beforehand.

 Replace Your Boiler

The cost of boiler replacement is a sensible investment for anyone. Boilers account for 60 percent of your energy expenditure per annum, so it’s vital that yours is efficient. Modern boilers have a much bigger heat exchange than their older counterparts, so they recover more heat and thus are more effective (studies suggest their efficiency is around 90%). Boilers are rated from A-G, with A being the most energy efficient and G being the least.

By replacing a G-rated boiler with an A-rated one, you could cut your costs by around £490 per year. What’s not to like about that?Take a look at the Mark Group website for a table showing exactly how much you could save.

Think About Updating or Replacing Your Windows

After insulation, windows are another major source of heat loss, so if yours are inefficient then it might pay to either replace or upgrade them. Windows can be upgraded by either weather-stripping them or purchasing and installing a set of storm windows (a second set of windows that fit over the originals). It is estimated that employing these measures can save you between 7 and 25 percent per annum on your energy bill.

With the price of energy bills continuing to rise, pay out today and you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank tomorrow.

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