Green Halloween Tips 2013

Green Halloween Tips 2013

When it comes to the holidays the majority of people aren’t really concerned about the costs and they don’t mind spending on items that they will never use again. However, if you would like to make sure that you will have a green Halloween, there are some tips that you could try.

Green Halloween Tips 2013


It is believed that people spend more than $1.2 million on children’s costumes and just as much on adults’ costumes. In order to reduce waste and costs, you might want to come up with a DIY costume. There are a lot of costumes that you can create at home with the items that you already have.


People buy a lot of plastic decorations of Halloween that they throw away after the holidays. It might be a good idea to go for natural decorations, such as leaves, pumpkins, and apples. The best thing about them is that these can be composted so there will be zero waste.

Trick or Treat Candy

Although this is something that children don’t really tolerate, there are some things that you can substitute candy with. You should offer items like friendship bracelets, seashells, or temporary tattoos. It is even better to buy organic products which don’t have an impact on the environment.

Halloween Party

A holiday party can result in a lot of waste. If you will host a party you might want to use regular plates and utensils that you can wash and you don’t have to throw away. When it comes to games you should look around your home to find natural inspirations. For instance you may play pass the pumpkin.

Candy Wrappers

After the party the majority of people have to throw away a lot of candy wrappers. However, it is not a must to throw them away. There are a lot of objects that you could make with these wrappers, such as wallets, bracelets, and purses. This way you can reduce the generated waste.

Energy Vampires

During Halloween people usually use a lot of energy. The good news is that there are some ways to reduce the energy use. As an idea, you should use a power bar that you can unplug when you leave the room and so you can be sure that there will be nothing to suck the energy out of your house.

All people should make sure to have a green holiday to make a change in the world.


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