Being Vegan And How It Influences Global Warming


global warmingMany of you might not know it, but there is a vast difference between vegetarians and vegans. Vegetarians do not eat meat. Likewise, vegans do not eat meat.

Vegans also do not eat any animal byproducts such as dairy products, honey, etc. They also do not use items or stuff that was made from animal products. They shun things like fur, leather and silk.

There are many different reasons for people to go vegan. A lot of vegans have chosen this lifestyle as a religious or spiritual decision. Some people have gone vegan due to a moral or ethical conviction regarding animal welfare or animal rights.

Animal testing, factory farming and human health are also reasons for the vegan lifestyle. There is another reason though and that is what we are going to talk about today.

There are many vegans out there who have decided to stop eating animals and using animal products because of the environment. What do animals have to do with the environment? A lot actually.

Consider that there are more crops grown each year to feed animals marked for the slaughter house than there are grown to feed humans. It takes 1,000 gallons of water to grow one pound of wheat. As unbelievable as it may seem the measurement is very accurate.

Let’s think about the chemicals that are used on these crops, things like pesticides, fertilizers and the like of them that do not simply disappear from the main food source of the life stock the majority of population feeds from. What does that do to the environment?

Keeping that in mind but moving on, there are cattle, chicken and pig farms all over the world. All of these are created to raise the animals we use for food or the byproducts like eggs and dairy products, etc.

This is called factory farming. Here’s the thing though…are you aware that factory farming is one of the major factors in producing greenhouse gases and emissions?

Now think about this: if more people were vegan, the demand for meat and byproducts would diminish meaning that the supply would not have to be so much. When demand drops and supply diminishes for things like factory farming, greenhouse gases could be cut down.

Fertilizers, insecticides, growth hormones and anything else needed for the growth and production of these animals would be cut down, thereby effectively cutting down on the carbon footprint of the Earth itself.


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