Paper Recycling And Where It Falls In Our Environmental Issues


recycling paperPaper is the most common material that is found in solid waste around the world.

The Environmental Protection Agency reports updates occasionally and this has been a constant statistic.

Due to this statistic you can see how recycling paper will make a huge difference and greatly reduce the amount of solid waste.

Due to this statistic you can also see how recycling paper will make a huge difference and greatly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.

Paper recycling will also help to conserve mass amount of natural resources and paper recycling will help save more landfill space.

In most communities, there are companies who offer recycling services as well as shredding services. Therefore you can be confident when you recycle your personal documents; the company that is picking up the recycling will also shred your documents. These companies are bound by contract as well and confidentiality.

There are companies in most communities that offer clients regularly scheduled paper shredding services as well as one time residents shredding services as well as drop off shredding services. These companies have massive machines that in some cases can shred up to 7,000 or more pounds of paper each hour.

These companies then send their shredded paper to be baled at which point it is taken or shipped to paper mills. At this point the shredded paper is put into boiling vats of water.

After the shredded paper is put into boiling vats of water the remaining product is a pulp like product that is then shifted through strainers and then it is used to make other paper products.

Usually pulp paper is not used to make more paper per say however recycled paper can be used once it is strained and pulped to make tissue products. The tissue products most commonly made from shredded and recycled paper are Kleenex, paper towels and bathroom toilet paper.

For every ton of paper that is recycled, 580 pounds of air pollution is prevented. 17 mature trees and 7,000 gallons of water are saved with every ton of paper that is recycled.

And furthermore, 380 gallons of oil and 4,000 kilowatts of electricity are saved for every ton of paper that is recycled.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency somewhere around 80 percent of the paper mills in the United States are specifically designed to use the paper that is collected in these recycling programs.


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