Go Green, Give Deodorants A Miss


deodorantsEver since chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were seen as being extremely detrimental to the environment because of the way they depleted the ozone layer, we see cans making the ‘CFC free’ assertion.

However aerosol is known to be harmful for the environment (it is suggested that aerosol diffusion of light may have increased the carbon sink in the earth’s ecosystem) and there are many more reasons why we should give a second and third thought to reaching for that pressurized can that we use so routinely each day. And as for the assertion by many that antiperspirants can cause cancer; well that is a whole other issue.

One of the chief arguments against deodorants is the fact that these come mostly packaged in pressurized cans which we toss onto the rubbish heap once we are done with them; typically in a few months, or perhaps even less.

These pressurized cans are not good not just because the amount of difficult to recycle garbage they create, but also because they contain ‘propellants’ that are usually petrochemical based. Roll on deos or deo sticks are a better option.

Even when you consider roll on or other Deodorants, which may not cause environmental damage by virtue of their use, they are this made using a lot of chemicals and some of those can be harmful.

For instance most deos use triclosan as an ingredient which has been seen to be toxic to algae. There are other petro based chemicals used which may not be environmentally friendly. Of course energy, resources and materials used in manufacture, packaging and transportation are other things to be considered when you talk about deodorants.

So are they so very necessary to our daily existence? Can we find more environment friendly alternatives? People have long found baking soda as a natural deodorizer. Plus we can consider the use of mineral salts and essential oils in combating odor.

So we can explore other options to counter body odor or at least consider using those that have a minimal impact on the environment. Consider ingredients used, packaging material and methods used and if it says ‘Green’ or ‘environmentally friendly’ don’t just believe them blindly.

Also consider how often you use a deodorant and ask if you need to in fact use it as often as you do. Perhaps you don’t need to use it as often or as much of it as you currently do? Give it a thought next time; it could make that teeny tiny difference.


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