Seven Different Ways to Celebrate the Earth Day

Seven Different Ways to Celebrate the Earth Day
Earth Day is one of the most fundamental days in a calendar year, and every Earth Day, an endeavor is made from across the world to enlighten the world about the ongoing environmental crisis which needs to progressively addressed in order to stall universal devastation. It is celebrated on April 22 every year, and the entire world actively participates in it to demonstrate support to the task of environmental protection and preservation in several ways.
Seven Different Ways to Celebrate the Earth Day

In this article, we shall talk about seven various ways in which Earth Day can be celebrated:

  1. Eco-friendly transportation

On Earth Day, you can coordinate with other participants and encourage people to carpool, walk or ride a bike to transport from one place to another. This will reduce the amount of emission of greenhouse gases and lessen the congestion caused by traffic.

  1. Volunteering and participating in programs

Many non-governmental organizations, throughout the world, conduct various awareness drives to educate and encourage people and explain to them the fatal consequences of unwarranted interference in the delicate natural balance which sustains all life forms on earth. Organizations include the United Nations, Greenpeace, WWF , and others which crusade for a balanced environment.

  1. Recycle

Almost everyone knows about the benefits of recycling, but only a few diligently practice it. It would be remarkable if you shed that lackadaisical and indifferent attitude towards nature and recycle for once. Collect, segregate, and recycle garbage, and you would not be able to imagine the quantum of difference you will make by doing that.

  1. Plant a tree

Earth Day is the day we are reminded of the fundamental role played by plants, and that green vegetation is necessary to ensure that the balance of nature does not lean towards instability and destruction. You may wonder, what difference planting a tree would make; but let me tell you, if one individual plants a tree, then, collectively, there will be billions of trees planted on that day. Wouldn’t that be great?

  1. Avoid use of plastic

Plastic is one of the biggest contaminants in the environment, and what makes it more dangerous is its stubborn presence which cannot be removed easily—it will last for centuries, contaminating soil, water, air and everything thing around us.

You will definitely not want that to happen!

  1. Engage legislators and policy makers

Environmental issues must form an inseparable part of policy-making; however, policy-makers would only know and feel motivated if citizenry takes up the matter seriously and consult them. Drop a mail or letter to the constituency-representative, highlight critical environmental issues that need to be urgently dealt with, and the representative may take up the matter with the higher echelons.

This way you will indirectly but substantially contribute to policy-making!

  1. Teach kids

Kids take environment lightly because they are not thoroughly educated about the importance of environment and the grave consequences of its destruction. Gather kids from your neighborhood, organize a session, and educate them on relevant environment matters. Throughout the discussion, keep your language elementary so that you are able to influence kids more easily and positively.


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