8 Green Interior Decor Tips and Ideas

green interior decor tips and ideas

Green living and eco friendly ideas are in vogue these days and people of all countries are giving emphasis on every possibility to adopt a “green living”. Using environmentally friendly products in our daily lives and adopting eco-friendly style, designs, and home decor is definitely a great help towards nature and even your well being.

Do not mistaken that making your home eco friendly means all old and drab elements would be used; but you can actually bring in life, freshness and vibrant look to your interiors by adopting the right ideas of green living. Here is a comprehensive guide for your help –

green interior decor tips and ideas

1. Keep “Plants” as Home Decor Item

As you all know that plants filter air and would remove all the harmful chemicals and gases from a room – thus there is nothing better than keeping live plants in room. They not only look good but also give natural and fresh ambience. The plant selection should be matching to your interiors – foliage decor is preferred indoors than flowering plants as they do not require strong sunlight. Both short and long plants go well in interiors; you can opt for bamboo palm, peace lilies, or gerbera daisy.

2. Prefer Organic and Natural Materials

If you use such materials, you will not only save money but also walk on the path of green living. Avoid chromed metal, plasticware and particleboard. Jute, fabric, and recycled items would be the right choice.

3. Abundance of Sun Light

Eco friendly indoors are only possible if you are letting sunlight into your room. Maximize the daylight possibilities by using skylights, glass windows, large sized windows, curtains of natural shades and south facing windows. Instead of using the electric lights during day time try to go for natural lighting, which would be a great money saving stand against electric bills.

4. Use Products with Low VOC Content

The full form of VOC is volatile organic compounds and they are excessively harmful to your health. Items like paints, furniture, household products, carpets and others can have VOC content. When you are buying stuff for your home, check the labels and buy the ones that have low VOC – this is a protection stand both for you and the environment.

5. Install Energy-Efficient Lighting

You can reduce electric bills and also stick to environment friendly rules by using such lighting. Fluorescent lights prevent the emission of pollutants and greenhouse gasses that are harmful to your health and also the environment. Check the energy-efficient labels and buy your electrical items.

6. Energy Efficient Window

Nowadays you get advanced kind of windows that have linings with coatings that reflect heat and provide added insulation to your indoors. If you stay in cold countries, such windows would be of great help as your rooms will stay warm naturally without much usage of electrical heaters. These windows are also great for tropical countries as they have a special lining that acts on heat loss and can keep out the unwanted heat during scorching summers.

7. “Green” Wall Coverings

Paint your walls with safe wall paints that do not emit any harmful substances. Wall papers are also a good idea to decorate your walls; many use cork or ceramic tiles, wooden panels, which are eco-friendly as well. Aside from being green, these can surely make your walls look beautiful.

8. Natural Wood Furniture

Organic wooden furniture is much better than other materials, they are long lasting, easy to maintain, and also cost effective. You can choose wooden blocks and get a marble or glass top for a dining table, you can choose from an assortment of designs that are available in online and retail stores. Customized wooden and bamboo furniture not only gives the room a personal touch, but also helps you to stay environment friendly.

There are many more ways in which you can opt an eco friendly living – by using stone or wooden flooring, buy wool stuffed organic items, eating organic produces, and so on.


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