Baby Proof Your Home – Top Toxins to Eliminate

Canned and Bottled Baby Food

Stuff , stuff and more stuff…this is the definition of our house. In spite of so many advertisers doing their best to entice you with awesome looking commercials you must be careful about the things you bring into your home. A large number of toxins are hidden inside the products we buy and when you have a baby around this can be extremely dangerous.

Spray Cleaners

Spray Cleaners

You would think that if it is labeled “no rising needed” it must probably be true. In fact 90% of the so called disinfectants require rising especially if they are used on the kitchen counter or table. Most moms spray the surfaces to make them safe for food preparation unaware that the vapors are spread into the air and the petrochemicals also remain behind on the surfaces and are absorbed in the baby’s food.

Dryer Sheets

Dryer Sheets

They might be safe but if you use them when washing your baby’s clothing be aware that you expose the fabric to diethyl phthalate which is easily absorbed by the baby’s skin. This substance is present in all fragrances so you should choose dryer sheets that have no fragrance or are scented with essential oils.

Canned and Bottled Baby Food

Canned and Bottled Baby Food

All cans and plastic containers contain a BPA lining. In spite of the more recent regulations that make mandatory for all baby products to be BPA free some companies replaced it with BPS a related chemical equally dangerous. To keep the baby safe use fresh, jarred or frozen foods.

Scented Candles

Scented Candles

Most of the scented candles especially those cheap enough to tempt everyone, do not contain the actual natural fragrances written on the label. Instead of orange peel, cinnamon and gingerbread you may have the surprise to light a candle scented with benzene. For an adult the effect is not exactly deadly but for a baby it can be extremely dangerous.

Nonstick Pans and Pots

Nonstick Pans and Pots

The idea of easy to clean cookware might be tempting but you should never cook the baby’s food in nonstick pans or pots. The lining of these items contains perfluorinated chemical which is demonstrated to cause cancer and infertility. You should replace such kitchen gear with cast iron, stainless steel or ceramic layered cookware.

Read The Labels

There are so many baby products out there and even more baby toys. Commercials are filled with new and amazing educative games your baby can use to develop better learning skills.

Don’t be fooled!  So many of these things contain chemically based fragrances or chemicals used to stabilize plastic. Whether it is baby lotion or a doll always read the labels and if anything looks suspicious or you are not familiar with the substance, don’t buy the product.


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