Daily Deals – How Green are They?


Online super deals by Living Social, Groupon and similar other websites offer great discounts for restaurants, salons, stores and other establishments that deal with day to day essentials. These deals are actually affecting the choices one makes on a daily basis.

It is very easy to fall for a $15 discount for a $30 meal, even if the place is not exactly a favorite. Most discounts are being offered by small local restaurants and other establishments that are trying to build a foothold in the market.

Daily Deals - How Green are They

And more often than not a person will use the services of these establishments to save a few bucks. Sometimes one may be satisfied at the end of the transaction and sometimes one may be left wanting. And yet one may go back because they are offering another discount.

And if online deals were not enough to influence choices, Groupon will be soon launching a mobile application Groupon Now. When you open the application, there are just two buttons to choose from.” I am hungry” and “I am bored”. As soon as you have made your choice, the application will give you multiple deals that you can avail immediately.

The deals will of course be dependent on your location. Simply put, the service decides what you will be eating and what you will be doing. It is quite impossible to give up a good deal even if it may not be your first choice.

In this game of saving a few bucks we may be giving up on things that we really prefer or enjoy. One may not dine so often at one’s favorite organic food joint as it doesn’t offer discounts or may be one no longer buys things that often from their favorite store.

There are however advantages too, when services like Care2 force you to make a green choice. Care2 offers discounts on eco friendly and organic  products by Blissmo.

The discounts that they offer bring these great products well within the reach of most people. Use deals and discounts but make wise choices and don’t let the discounts dictate your life decisions.


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