Adopt These 14 Steps and Save Electricity This Summer

Steps to Save Electricity in Summer

 Power consumption usually varies significantly with weather, as changes in temperature and humidity affect the demand for space heating and cooling. The three main sectors which use electricity are,

  • Industrial
  •  Commercial
  • Residential

Each of the above sectors responds differently to seasonal changes in temperature. The industrial sector’s demand for power is relatively flat with just a slight increase in the summer due to additional cooling needs. The commercial sector experiences little variance in demand of power across seasons.

Steps to Save Electricity in Summer

There is noticeable increase in demand for power in the summer and a slight decrease in the winter. The residential sector shows the largest variance in the demand for power in different seasons with significant spikes in demand every summer and winter.

Here are some tips to help you save electricity this summer.

1. Turn Up Your Thermostat : You should ideally set your thermostat to 78 degrees when you are at home and should preferably turn it off when you are not. Use of room fans and ceiling fans cause airflow and allow you to turn up your thermostat. You can cut back power consumption by 1%-3% for each degree the thermostat is set above 72 degrees.

2. Install a Whole House Fan: A whole house fan is one that is permanently fixed in your attic. It draws in cool air through the windows while forcing out hot air in your house out of the attic vents. This fan is best suited for use after sun down and in the early mornings when the temperature outside has reduced. This helps reducing your air-conditioning use.

3. Cook fast to save energy: There is nothing which is more energy efficient than cooking in a microwave, the microwave uses one-third of the power required by the stove.

4. Keep The Fridge Filled Up: Lots of food stored in the fridge keeps it from warming up too fast when the doors are opened causing your fridge to use less power as it wouldn’t have to work as hard to stay cool.

5. Do laundry efficiently by using the cold water and warm water settings. Always rinse in cold water settings. Just this small step can help you save an amazing 4%.

6. Avoid using the drier whenever possible and line dry the clothes instead. When you are using your drier, run full loads and using the moisture sensing setting can help cut costs. Also clean the dryer lint trap every time you use it.

7. Use your dish washer only when it is loaded fully and skip the dry cycle and let it air dry.

8. Turn off appliances and lights when not in use and save up to 2% electricity. Unplug electronic devices as most modern day electronics consume power even when in “OFF” state.

9. Replace air conditioners air filters in regular intervals as a dirty air filter restricts air flow and causes the air conditioner to work harder and draw more power.

10. Use Power saving Fluorescent lights instead of regular incandescent lights which are used for more than 2 hours in a day. LEDs can also be used instead of fluorescent lights, LEDs have a longer life and also consume lesser power.467

11. If your air conditioning unit is an old one it might be worth it to invest in a new one which is power efficient.

12. Installing window shading can significant help reduce heat entering the house due to direct sun light.

13. Solar control films applied to existing windows are a great alternative to replacing your windows.

14. Strategically planted trees and shrubs can also help in minimizing direct sunlight.


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