4 Myths About Creating an Eco-Friendly Home

myths about creating an eco-friendly home

Running a sustainable, environmentally friendly home is something all of us should be working towards. Saving money while reducing our individual and collective carbon footprint are two excellent reasons to make a start on this.

Yet there are many myths and rumours constantly flying around about making eco changes which put people off. Many of these may have once held an element of truth but as times have changed they are now outdated. Here are four common ones to ignore.

myths about creating an eco-friendly home

1. Eco Changes are Expensive

The main factor which puts a lot of people off making eco-friendly changes to their home is the initial expense. Whether installing solar panels on the roof or getting a more energy efficient boiler, the cost can instantly make homeowners question whether the changes are really worth it.

There are many cheap and free ways to make environmentally friendly adaptions though. Some energy companies offer free cavity wall and loft insulation as they try to meet government green targets, or you can buy insulation material for cheap and install yourself.

2. They Take Years to Pay Off

Along with the supposed expensive first costs, it is often assumed that any payback from eco renovations will take decades. Loft insulation can pay for itself in just two years, especially with cheaper installation costs, while solar panels may take seven or eight years to payback.

As well as getting a good return, all the changes you make should last for decades. They will also add value to your home as more house buyers become eco conscious and look for properties with eco changes already made.

3. Buying New Isn’t Green

Reusing and recycling are two of the pinnacles of living a sustainable and environmentally friendly life, so surely buying anything new should be avoided at all costs? Not in the case of energy efficient appliances.

Getting an energy efficient brand new boiler for example is going to use less energy and save on bills compared to using an older model. Likewise switching all other older, inefficient appliances for newer, more eco-friendly versions which will last can be a greener option.

4. Turning Everything off Saves Millions

Turning all electrical appliances off should cut down on the amount of electricity your home uses. For the most part this does save a lot of energy. The problem is a lot of the time items aren’t turned off properly so don’t save anywhere near as much as they can.

Televisions should be properly switched off when not in use, not left on standby. The same for computers, radios and other items in regular use. If everyone didn’t opt for the lazy option and ensured electrical items were properly switched off then maybe millions would be saved.


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