Wacky Office Designs

wacky office design

Traditionally the office isn’t an inspirational or stimulating environment to be in. Despite spending the best part of our working day in the office, we’ve grown to accept dull environments. Everything from the décor to the furniture is bland, uniform and made all the more monochrome thanks to the strip lighting scheme on one setting – glaringly bright.

Starved of natural light it’s easy to see why, for the most part, people tend to pop out of the office at lunch time, just for a change of scenery – even if it’s into the general hustle and bustle of the city.

wacky office design

Thankfully, some companies have designed and created some amazing spaces for their employees to work.


While this room contains all the staple features of a meeting room, DPR Construction have designed a more inspired space for meeting to stimulate creative thinking. “The Innovation Room” at their Phoenix Headquarters boasts colourful furniture, comfy chairs and sliding glass walls.

Being totally starved of natural light probably isn’t a worry for people working at the Selga Cano Architecture Office in Madrid, Spain. Located in a natural environment, the surroundings change as the seasons do. No strip lighting here!

If you wanted a more natural feel to your office (and don’t have the budget to build a glass office in the woods) then using artificial grass is a great way to incorporate a greener feel to your workspace. HT Majestic from Hi-Tech Turf doesn’t require sand when laying it, so it’s great for interior use.

Another simple way to introduce colour into the office is to use bright and colourful furniture into an otherwise plain room, as seen in the Google offices.

This office space designed by Sprikk in The Netherlands transforms an ordinarily monochrome room into a brighter more interesting space. Using coloured hanging lamps from the ceiling is a simple yet effective way to introduce colour into a room.

Using plants is a great way to bring colour (and a bit of nature) into the work environment. Even if you decide against having the whole bamboo theme as shown in the picture!

If you’re looking to create an office space on a smaller scale, such as a home office, then why not get creative with the limited space you have to make the most of it?

Photo Credit By: zeospot.com


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