2022 Qatar World Cup And The Amazing Solar Stadium For It


In 12 years from now, Qatar is going to be a host of the World soccer cup.

The planning for the event has begun and the expectations are really amazing. Qatar has already started to build a solar stadium, which is going to be one of the wonders of the green architecture.

The stadium is expected to be ready in 5 years and for its designing, Qatar authorities have chosen 5 famous architects. The good news is that the sunlight will be a major part of the stadium power generating.

One of the features will be a super new ecological system, which will be inserted into the entire stadium. The system will be for climate control as it will keep the temperatures below 82 degrees F, which is a record given the fact that the temperatures in Qatar are known to be the highest on the earth.

The system will be powered by sustainable energy means and the stadium will provide shopping areas, spa zones, malls and other attractive features.

The good news is the 3D system, which will literally bring the images of the football game on one hand distance from your seat.

The stadium is expected to be one of the greenest modern buildings that were ever built and for sure a new architectural wonder.


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