Consumers – The Most Dependable Source Of Green Product Evaluation


In 21 century we have nothing but a statistics and lists with the greenest products. There are millions of statistics about the products we are using and despite these are often just a numbers, they surely affect our point of view or experience with certain green products.
There are experts, who don’t like to label the green products at the marker and claim this statistics and lists are just PR tricks for better sells. Green industry has been growing for several years and the ratings are also part of the strategy.

The ratings of the green products are wakening up some questions, which logic can simply answer. The math shows that any product has been evaluated by factors like sourcing, recyclability, toxicity, water usage and so on, but even so- are these ratings actually working for the customers?

Many experts aren’t agreeing to determinate the client’s wishes with ratings. Many organizations are already urging for one green certification that will include all the factors and leave the crowd to determinate the products by itself.


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