Five Simple Tips to Reduce Soil Pollution

Soil pollution is essentially the assimilation of man-produced toxic substances in the soil which has harmful effects on animal and plant life. Most commonly known pollutants include pesticides, waste, litter and herbicides, and these are usually generated out of theunwarranted treatment of soil through poor farming and cultivation practices, mineral utilisation and industrial waste dumping.The impact of soil pollution is humungous and cannot be easily alleviated without systematic intervention. There are a number of ways by which soil pollution can be significantly reduced, but in thisendeavour, active participation from all of us is imperative.

Five simple tips to reduce soil pollution

In this article, we shall explore five simple ways to reduce soil pollution:

  1. Fertilizer, Pesticide and Herbicide

Herbicides are basically chemicals which are employed for killing unwanted plants commonly known as weeds, and pesticides are materials used for killing pests and unwanted insects. Fertilizers provide nutrients to plants in order to facilitate their growth and may comprise heavy metals which can pose harm to animals. Food and Fertilizer Technology Centre states that the pollutants contaminate the soil and enter the food chain, which ultimately effectsall humans and other life forms. It is, thus, recommended that organic pesticides and fertilizers should be employed.

  1. Proper Waste Treatment

In order to reduce soil pollution, waste treatment should be religiously carried out. For that, bring together your neighbourhood friends and adopt waste treatment methods. For instance, it is suggested that alkaline and acidic waste should be neutralized prior to disposal so as to prevent contamination of soil. Biodegradable waste should be disintegrated in a regulated environment prior to disposal since it reduces resource consumption and works faster.

The government should undertake thorough oversight of functional landfills and routinely update them with latest technological enhancements to yield maximum eco-friendly output.

  1. Planting habit

Make planting a habit. In order to ensure maximum protection of soil resources, you should plant trees in open spaces and motivate others to do the same. Maintain a healthy garden at home, near industrial areas and public spaces to keep the soil healthy and intact. Since soil erosion is the biggest enemy of soil, plants will help in reducing its impact and ensure greater strength to the foundation of soil.

One of the best ways by which you can develop this habit is through participation in public awareness drives which are regularly organized to inculcate planting habits among people, especially children.

  1. Reduce the amount of garbage

Humans are reckless when it comes to consumption of commodities, and because of this, we contribute huge amounts of garbage individually and collectively. This habit is harmful and needs to be done away with.

To do away with this habit, it is important we consume commodities such as glass and other biodegradable or re-usable substances instead of disposing them. Keep accounts and you will know how much waste you have generated every month. It seems tough at first, but thereduction of garbage at theindividual level will ultimately reduce the levels at thecollective stage.

  1. Educate

Education is the ultimate tool for achieving our aim. We will have to educate all generations alike: children, adults and senior citizens. In this, governments, educational institutions and NGOs will have a major role to play and can engage actively in public awareness. They bring together people from all generations; encourage them to take up the cause for environmental protection; and pool in resources towards development of eco-friendly projects.

People can send their recommendations to thegovernment which may consider incorporating them in policy-making. They may take help of NGOs, which, in the capacity of agents of public, take up the case before the government and persuade them to implement necessary measures directed at soil conservation such as development of eco-friendly buildings, development of green belts, etc


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