The Future Of Fuels May Lie In Bacteria Evolution


With the whole world worrying about carbon emissions and the use of fossil fuels, it comes as no surprise that researchers are looking for alternative fuels which will help reduce carbon emissions and also gradually replace fossil fuels.

The latest discovery in this regard has been a genetically modified cyanobacterium. This bacterium devours carbon dioxide and produces isobutanol.

Isobutanol is a liquid fuel which can be easily used in the current infrastructure around the world. This effectively helps remove the carbon dioxide from the environment and at the same time produces an efficient fuel which can easily replace fossil fuels. Another advantage that this process has is the fact that it is powered by solar energy. The process is similar to photo synthesis.

It definitely holds an advantage over bio-fuels which require quite a few processes and are thus expensive to produce. The amount of biomass required to produce bio-fuel makes it an expensive affair and is a major hurdle in its mass popularity.

The researchers believe that this new process has the potential to be more economical and also a much faster process as the carbon dioxide is directly converted into the desired fuel.

This could mean that the world may soon have a green fuel to run on and thus be able to shake off its dependency on fossil fuels.


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