Green Architecture Is Slowly Becoming The Norm


Designing and ultimately constructing buildings can use up a lot of materials and in some cases create an eyesore in a city of gigantic proportions. ‘Green Architecture’ addresses these issues by using energy saving techniques, materials that are made from natural resources and a more sensitive approach to design.

green architecture2Every area of construction is covered for instance solar energy techniques are the normal way of cutting down on electricity costs. There are three forms: photovoltaic, active solar, and passive solar, all utilizing the most abundant energy source of the universe.

Good insulation itself can save a large amount of energy, which is usually just wasted by drafty walls and skimpy roof spaces. Instead of using fiberglass which is known to cause problems in the long term, there are materials available that are viable alternatives.

Recycled denim insulation is excellent and other organic solutions can replace boric acid to keep out insects prone to be attracted in this area.

green architecture

Recycled bricks, wood and tiles can be used in smaller constructions and although they work out more costly they will often look better and are a real contribution to the green effort. Concrete is now being replaced by compacted gravel in driveways and parking lots and this is a much better way of natural water dispersal.

Bamboo is the new wood of choice for green architecture as it can be grown in only six years, a truly replenishing source. There are other woods now been used with similar qualities.

Green Architecture is also about looking much further ahead at what legacy a construction will have in the future. It considers the design to be connected to the environment’s eco system and be aware of the causal effect.


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