Scholarly Green Ways to Save Paper

scholarly green ways to save paper

The environmental studies course that is included in your school curriculum, focus on the three R’s in bold: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. This is the basic strategy that you must adopt in order to save paper at your workplace or school.

Paper is a precious resource, one of the numerous epitomes of sacrifices of acres of trees every year. Reduction in paper usage can be an effective tool at school for teaching environmentalism, since; it saves both money and waste generation.

This article enlightens you regarding the ways in which you as a teacher or student can minimize wastage of paper in school and ignite the zeal in your peers as well.scholarly green ways to save paper


Ways to Save Paper at School

The following strategies and practices can be implemented in your daily routine in classroom to prevent wastage of sheets during work:

Use the Rear Side

Making a notepad for various purposes, made of the empty back pages of printer paper, note paper, pad paper or book paper, is a method in which you can reuse used paper. You can always grant the ‘reused’ notepad a bright appearance through various colorful and crafty methods.

Recycled Paper

Always prefer to buy recycled paper which is not bleached with chlorine and not virgin or unrecycled paper. In order to check whether it is chlorine bleached or not always look for the PCF label, which indicated that the paper wasn’t rebleached with chlorine. Encourage your school authority and peers to do the same too.

Make a Scrap Pile

With assistance from your peers, arrange for a scrap pile at one corner of the classroom which will include papers that is supposedly meant for being thrown in the dustbin. At the end of each week, search for reusable paper from the scrap, staple them and use them as scribble paper or for other purposes.

Use Technology

Technological aids can reduce consumption of paper drastically. Ask your educator to create a blog or website where all lecture notes, assignments and handouts will be uploaded. Also, ask for a dropbox account or other such collection tools, where you and your friends can submit their homework and submit papers.

White Boards

You can recommend the usage of individual whiteboards in classrooms. Use small-sized whiteboards and dry-erase, low-odor markers. This offers repeated usage and is most favorable for doing rough works such as practicing answers or solving mathematical problems.

Wise Usage

If you have large font handwriting, practice writing in small though decipherable font. This extends the longevity of the notebooks you are using. Also, always opt for single-spaced document printing as it uses half the paper. Moreover, use both sides of the printing paper.

A word of caution: When in class do not do inane things such as making airplanes or spitballs, as they are not a smart approach, messy, and cause unnecessary wastage of paper. Be a green student and start the above practices at your workplace today, to change tomorrow.

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