How to Go Green! Party Green!

How To Go Green! Party Green

Partying is one of the most preferred social activities nowadays. People like to enjoy eating food, drinking various kinds of beverages and dancing with the invited guests. The party fever always remains on the top and no matter what the theme is. Though Partying might help in extracting ample fun and enjoyment but they usually causes huge losses to the environment.

How To Go Green! Party Green

Going green is in trend nowadays; moreover it is eco-friendly and a hand of help towards the degrading environmental health. Keeping the party simple can also be fun and doesn’t harm the nature. You should just be aware of the right kind of food, drinks and activities that shouldn’t be harmful for nature.

Following are the methods that can be applied in abolishing the use of the anti-environment things while partying.

  • Vegetarian Menu: The menu of the party should be purely vegetarian. Being eco-friendly means being friendly to nature and to its habitants too. The very thought of all veggies in the party might seem boring. But if you search well you can discover some great tastes in veggies that can turn the menu into an exotic one.
  • Organic Foods: The second step is the arrangement of organic food in the party. The best thing about organic food is that they are produced in the most sustainable way and hence are eco friendly.
  • Venue Selection: The venue of the party should be selected very wisely. It should be something that seems like the lap of the nature. An exotic venue with natural fresh air and scenery need not be decorated with any decoration stuff and hence helps in preserving the nature. Moreover, it also saves the electricity that was to be spent at an indoor venue on air conditioner.
  • Common Travel Vehicle: It is advisable to arrange 2-3 big busses for all the guests to visit to the venue of the party together instead of letting every single guest reaching the venue on his/her own vehicle. It helps in saving large amount of fuel and your party also won’t be a contributor to real pollution.
  • Save on the Gift: As it is customary for the guests to bring gifts when coming for attending a party, it is ideal to give a list of eco-friendly things that are required along with the invite. This helps in not only saving the guests’ time but also money by choosing a gift that the host needs and thus making it environmentally friendly too.
  • Return Gifts: The return gifts can be selective and eco friendly. You can give tree saplings as a gift to all the guests at the party. Everyone growing those trees will help in increasing the number of trees in nature and maintaining the ecological balance.
  • Décor: In case the party is being organized indoors it is advisable to use those items to decorate the party venue that are already available at home.

Little alterations here and there can help in both turning a party into a success along with helping you save the nature!

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